Buy $PEPESH on PinkSale
❗️How to buy $PEPESH on PinkSale FairLaunch (step-by-step guide)
💬 STEP 1. Connect your crypto wallet PinkSale supports different wallets like 🦊MetaMask, 🛡Trust Wallet, and more. Make sure you have sufficient Binance Smart Chain (BSC) 🔸BNB in your wallet to complete the purchase.
💬 STEP 2. Visit the Pepe Sheikh Fair Launch page on PinkSale. ⚠️ Make sure you visit the correct page: (or just copy the link above to your wallet’s Dapp Browser & connect your wallet)
💬 STEP 3. Buy a $PEPESH token Enter the amount of BNB you want to buy, click on the "Buy" Button, and confirm/approve the transaction. ❗️Attention, please! When Tx's complete, you WILL NOT GET THIS TOKEN AT THE MOMENT. Those tokens remain on PinkSale Launchpads until FairLaunch ends.
💬 STEP 4. Claiming tokens After the end of the FairLaunch, visit the same page to claim your tokens (withdraw to your crypto wallet). Click "Claim" and follow the instructions on the launchpad. ⬇️ After You claim you will receive the PEPESH tokens, you need to "make them visible" in your wallet. ⬇️ Go to your wallet and click on the "Add Token" button. Enter the token contract address: (0x9DC8B28d866016936C3E3d4C9fED444972C0Cdd2), which is — "contract", and the token symbol — "PEPESH", "Decimal" — 18.
🤝Congratulations, you have successfully purchased PEPESH tokens on Pinksale's launchpad. Good luck!
Last updated